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The City’s stormwater management program, mandated by the

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ), is intended

to protect and improve water quality for our community and local waterways.

The specific issues to be addressed:

1. Stormwater Runoff Pollution

2. Illegal Dumping and Improper Disposal of Waste, Litter, and Debris

3. Erosion and Sediment Associated with Construction and Development

4. Leaking Individual On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems and Sewage Pollution


The program components include Public Education, Public Involvement, Illicit

Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Runoff Controls,

Post-Construction Runoff Controls, and Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping.


The contact person for questions regarding stormwater runoff management is

Bonnie Anderson, who can be reached at (337) 233-1130 or by email at


To report a potential illicit discharge, please contact Bonnie Anderson above or the Scott Police Department at (337) 233-3715.


Fact Sheets and Reports

Stormwater Ordinance Flyer (.pdf)

Best Management Practices for Construction Sites (.pdf)

City Stormwater Management Plan 4.0 (.pdf)

City Stormwater 2024 Annual Report (pdf_


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is stormwater runoff?

Stormwater runoff occurs when precipitation from rain flows over the surrounding impervious surfaces such as sidewalks and driveways.


Why is stormwater pollution an issue?

Stormwater runoff picks up dirt and debris, chemicals, bacteria, and other pollutants as it flows into the storm sewer system, which leads directly into local waterways. Excessive sediment can also block storm drains and cause flooding.


What are Household Hazardous Wastes?

Household Hazardous Wastes are items found in households that are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. Common household hazardous wastes include chemicals, paints, cleaners, motor oil, flammables, light bulbs, batteries, and pesticides. Residents cannot and should not place Household Hazardous Waste in trash during regular pick-up. For more information and tips on safe management of Household Hazardous Wastes, please visit the EPA's website: Household Hazardous Waste (HHW). 



What is Hazardous Chemical Day?

Hazardous Chemical Day is an annual materials collection day sponsored by the City that allows and encourages Scott residents to properly dispose of their household hazardous waste. Improper disposal of these wastes is dangerous and could cause harm to sanitation workers, contaminate drinking water, and pollute local waterways.  Mark your calendar, the event has been scheduled for September 13, 2025. 



How can residents get involved in the stormwater management program?

  • The City provides markers and supplies to civic organizations interested in participating in Scott’s Storm Drain Marking program.

  • Volunteers can participate in the semiannual Sweep Scott Litter Campaign event and with Parish Proud.

  • The City of Scott entered and won the Louisiana Garden Club Federation's  Cleanest City Contest in District III. The Cleanest City Committee welcomes volunteers to participate in future contests. 

  • Classroom environmental lessons are available for local schools by means of LCG sponsored presentations that cover these topics: recycling, litter abatement and storm water pollution.

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